I've been spending the last weekend and most of the week days sitting in front of my computer and figuring out loads of thing about gals. At first I did not have any inspiration to write a good blogs entry here but somehow I come out with some ideas to criticise about gal this days .
I went for a walk downstairs of my house. I decided to have a rest and took a seat at the nearest park bench that I could find. Next to me sat a couples. The girl looks marvellous gorgeous while the guys is so fuckingly ugly and old. They hug each other, kisses infront of me and doing all those stuff that young couple do in a broad day light. Well I do not care about what happening as this is just normal if it’s europe. What bother’s me is that “the guys is so ugly and old compare to the girl” “ what in the world is happening”. But at last as they left the place, I notice that the guys is darn rich. Of cuz that why the girl be with him. He drive a mercedes sport. Fuh!!!
He’s not Brad Pitt. Or Tom Cruise. But he’s fucking rich. All the gals nowadays are the same. They are just hunting for the richie rich. Don’t care if ya ugly or some wat fucking moron.
Show me a girls with sincere heart, then I’ll show you a man with attitude and good looking.
All I see till today is “girl are bitch” that why there are “bastard” all over the place.