My company friends ask me to join a multi level marketing company today.
With loads of prospect promises they give me. This and that question were ask.
Do you wanna work for your entired life here and making limited incomes?
What we about selling you is 1 mindset and tools to make you profit.
We were not selling you any kind of product. Were not asking you to do sales or market any product. We just provides you this opportunity for you to become rich
All the (what if), (why not) and (why don't) question all over me.
Well i couldn't believe any of it. If i were to be rich maybe is from decent business. Or if ever GOD SPARE ME A FUCKING MILLION BUCKS, then i'll definitely be rich.
Not everyone born to be a king ya know. I made the mistake of asking my friends "How is he today" and received a 25-minute monologue about how his life had been a mess, his girlfriend had left him because he is broke, his life was going nowhere and so on until he discovered XXXXX company. Not only this company changed his life but also provides him with luxury life.
He finally found courage to be a success.
How does it work? Let me tell you.
After listening to a 25 minutes multi level marketing plan for the company
the real gist of the company shows scheme when he persuades me to sign up and become a member/agent. Oh my god the joining fees is either RM1234 / RM2500.
But i tell him. I don't have any money left inside my bank.
Added i told him provides me with an opportunity which are FREE than i'll shows you what a hard work and self motivated guy can do. Can? Or Cannot?
He completely silent and ask me to collect the amount of money if i wanted really to owned my own business. It's just to see how motivated i am.
Nah!!!!!!!! PASS ME (pass me on this) the ketchup please!
Lesson for today, before you consider becoming an agent for any multi level marketing company or other similar organization, ask the agent himself first, is it FREE?
"If it's not, then you don't want it" Then definitely he'll stop. Do not be persuade by all the sweet talk and prospect promises.
There's no such this as guarantee in businesses. The likely answer is you.
The company not only makes money for you. You yourself have to work on it. Why don't you gives yourself a chance in your life.
STOP IT! Chance ....? What Chance ? FUck It Will Ya..
Looking at the amount I presume you've probably been approached by Lampa Berger agents, am I correct? lol
Ya. And Loads Other Too..
Etc. DCHL, Synergy Lamp Burger(Haha...Better Go For McD - Cuz They Sold Happy Meals)
I rather eat Ramlee burgers.
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