Thursday, September 17, 2009

Data Lost Due To Motherboard Changed

While browsing through some forum and reading topic i happen to bump into some forumer blogs. My hand is itchy, so i click on the linked url from the fellow forumer avatar.

He wrotes something like this..."So my HP laptop was repaired after it was sent to HP by my dad....then bla bla bla....until.... He's dad says it's fixed but all the data are lost due to the changed of the lappy motherboard."

It's either the HP technical specialist is stupid, your dad is stupid, you're stupid or you and your dad is conned by the HP centre personnel.

Changing motherboard affecting the data stored on your hardisk?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Colgate Massager Tooth Brush

Here's what happen, during the conversation with my friends on skype:

Colgate massager toothbrush does me well. I nearly climax during the conversation too.

[10:06:12 AM] ZZ: where are we going for lunch?
[10:06:55 AM] Me: nasi periuk (claypot rice)
[10:06:59 AM] Me: or inside #########
[10:07:06 AM] Me: cuz i need to buy shampoo and tootbrush
[10:07:13 AM] Me: damn i become silai liao nowadays (means housewife in hokkien)

[10:07:19 AM] ZZ: ok. aiyo.. buy toothbrush from me la
[10:07:26 AM] Me: i want colgate massager
[10:07:31 AM] Me: very hard to find
[10:07:42 AM] ZZ: LoL.. why u specially need that leh?
[10:07:53 AM] Me: because i can press like hell on my gum
[10:08:01 AM] Me: and massager very syok (means nice)
[10:08:08 AM] Me: can give me climax while i brush my teeth
[10:08:13 AM] Me: hahahahahahah
[10:08:15 AM] ZZ: climax?
[10:08:17 AM] Me: yeah
[10:08:19 AM] Me: "climax"
[10:08:23 AM] Me: u hear it right
[10:08:27 AM] ZZ: walao eh
[10:08:28 AM] ZZ: u betul betul steam kaki (are you on medication?)
[10:08:30 AM] Me: i like
[10:08:34 AM] Me: when i brush my teeth
[10:08:40 AM] Me: the massager give me feeling of
[10:08:48 AM] Me: itai itai itai itai itai itaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[10:08:54 AM] ZZ: ok ok
[10:08:54 AM] ZZ: stop it

He almost puncture his own balls too......talking to me about colgate massager

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Repost For All Retarded Fashion Freak

Fashion tips for women from a guy who knows dick about fashion

Before I begin, I should warn you that I know dick about fashion. It's not just a clever title to get your attention.

You shouldn't read this article if you're a woman with low self-esteem. I don't need my inbox filled with emails from teary-eyed women reaffirming how astute my observations are by shrieking at me for ruining their lives.

Women get away with murder in our society, especially when it comes to the visual pollution they call fashion. So I'm going to do what few people—few men—have ever done by criticizing you. Sure, you may be thinking "but Maddox, people criticize women's fashion all the time!" Yes, but not men, and definitely not badasses like me.... Until now.

Crocs look like shit and they make your feet smell.

When I see people wearing Crocs, I know immediately that we have nothing in common, and that we could never be friends or have any meaningful kind of relationship. They come in every color imaginable yet look bad with every other article of clothing ever created. The only thing that goes with Crocs is social ostracism. You're a nerd wearing recycled rubber shoes.

To their credit though, Crocs serve as an excellent idiot barometer, you can tell a lot about people wearing them. For example, suggest products that other customers have purchased based on the item you're shopping for.

When it comes to shoes, there are usually three deciding factors: quality, price, and style. Some shoes are cheap and stylish, but poor quality, while others are stylish and durable, but expensive. Crocs usually go for $30-$60, which doesn't sound like much for a shoe, until you consider that what you're really paying for are melted pellets squirted into a cast-iron mold in some province in China. Crocs have the rare combination of being expensive, poor quality, and ugly. It's quite a feat for one shoe to suck this bad.

People who wear Crocs go on and on about how comfortable they are, and how it's supposedly odor resistant because it's made out of some kind of anti-bacterial foam. Great point, dipshits! You know what else it's resistant to? You getting laid. Then as if the shoes weren't disgusting enough, Crocs introduced a product called "Crocs butter" that's supposed to restore that illustrious injection-molded sheen to those gaping holes they call shoes.

Red lipstick makes you look like a clown:

There are very few people who look good in red lipstick, and those people usually juggle for a living. I once met a girl who was able to pull it off, so I let her buy me dinner. Later that night she was making out with my wang, when I realized that all that lipstick was rubbing off. So I evacuated my moan-maker from her face hole, took some silverware for my trouble, and snuck out of her tent.

Red lipstick looks horrible on most women, and all men. The bright crimson hue is an unnatural abomination pushed upon your face by cynical cosmetic industry scientists. I'm sure somewhere in a laboratory, two scientists are high-fiving each other, laughing at all the bullshit new names for shades of red they invent. There have been literally thousands of names for the same color of lipstick over the years, yet there are only about 3 shades of red: red, dark red, light red. Period. And I mean that grammatically, and not menstrually, though the context makes sense now that I think about it. They just make up names as they go along, and you idiots keep buying the same three shades of red over and over again:

Here are some actual names for shades of red lipstick: berry juicy, candied apple, midnight red, love that red, volcanic red, red velvet, red reinvented, cherry desirable, opulent garnet, royal red, etc, etc. You know they're just making shit up when they start using abstract concepts like "love" and "desirable" in the name. Most of the shades are indiscernible from each other, but women insist that there's a difference. So I went to Revlon's website and took two of these colors for a comparison:

Insecure women with boring faces lap this shit up because they think "hmmm.. what does my face need? Oh, I know! A giant hokey shade of red that isn't even found in nature."

Sauce --->

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Micheal Learns To Rock

MLTR are right now working on the set for the shows in SEA in September. The band are looking forward to come to Singapore and Kuala Lumpur/Genting. So don’t miss the opportunity to see one of their concerts, if possible.

They are the most successful Danish band ever to hit the international music scene, Michael Learns To Rock, will be performing at Fort Canning Park as part of their Eternity Tour in Singapore on Friday, September 4th 2009

What will happen when they comes to Kuala Lumpur? Are they going to changes their names as to cope with sensitive issue such dressing code and stage ethics? Here i got one suggestion...

Micheal Learns To Itai Itai Itai Itai Itaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!