My phone rang continuosly and nonstop
Me : Hello!
Caller: Hello!. Are you home? I'm feeling very down, Just want to find someone to chat with. Are you free?
Me : No! i'm At Work, Wat Sup?
Caller: Then nevermind. Don't want to disturb you. That's all then, bye!-bye!
Just cry out if it make you feel good. My shoulder is here, for you to lean, for you to hit.
Just treat me as him, scold all you want, like how he'd hurt you that day.
In love, even if it's a mistake, don't worry, I'll be by your side.
Give you an understanding smile, a warm big hug and a touch on forehead.
Promise to do what I said. There's a window in every troubles of love, open it then you'll see the sunshine.
Start a new life. Leave him. Leave him once and for all. Leave him for the last time he hurt you.
Forget the past. The past is the past, no matter how good how beautiful, it's only the past.
Let me accompany you just to show you the way, head towards the future to find somebody who really love you.
Don't like to see you cry, swollen eyes cuz you cannot see the blue blue sky. There are sunshine beneath the sky. Your kind smiling face, the beautiful you that i used to love, who's understanding towards all.
Don't like to see you cry, happiness won't wait for you forever. The quiet stars at night, twinkling faraway,
I wants you to wipe your tears, and "MAKE A WISH".
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